Conditions of Publication
Exclusive Submission Policy
All submissions to the Journal should be original and should not be simultaneously considered by any other publication.
Indemnity for Liability
Submissions are accepted for publication on the condition that they do not infringe the copyright or any other rights of any third parties and that the work does not contain any obscene, offensive, defamatory, or racially prejudiced material. All submissions will be checked for plagiarism by the Editorial Board. Infringing, offensive or plagiarized submissions will be liable for rejection.
Copyright Policy
As a condition of publication, the authors grant the Journal an irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to reproduce, publish and distribute their submission(s) in all media including but not limited to print and any electronic services. The licence is granted for the duration of the subsistence of the copyright including any extensions and/or renewals.
Open Access Statement
The Wisdom Crux is committed to open access for academic work. All the articles published in the Wisdom Crux are freely accessible immediately from the date of publication. There are no author charges prior to publication and no charge for any reader for accessing and downloading our articles for their own personal use.
The Wisdom Crux strives to ensure a speedy and efficient review process. In pursuance of the same, we normally review and revert with comments to articles within 3 – 4 weeks. Authors should be prepared to make suitable changes to their articles as required by the Board of Editors before acceptance. All decisions made by the Board of Editors is final and may not be subject to additional review. We request all our authors to review our terms and conditions, before contacting us with any queries.
Wisdom Crux operates without any theme. Anything related to Law is acceptable.
Guidelines for the submission of Manuscripts
- The journal invites submissions for its Volume 4, Issue 1.
- The issue intends to include submissions from students, Professors, Ph.D. scholars from the field of law, and Law firm associates.
- The title of the manuscript should be appropriate.
- The suggested word limit for the submissions is 2000-2500 words excluding footnotes.
- Manuscripts must contain an abstract of 250-300 words, inclusive of the word limit.
- Main text: Times New Roman, font size-12, Word spacing-1.5.
- Footnotes: Times New Roman, font size-10, word spacing-1.0
- The style of footnotes should adhere to the Bluebook 20th edition.
- Only one submission per author is permitted. Co-authorship is permitted up to 2 authors.
- All submissions must be original, unpublished and should not have been submitted for review elsewhere.
- The submission should not be plagiarized, and free from grammatical, spelling, and other errors. The decisions of the Board of Editors in this matter shall be final and binding.
- Submissions must be submitted in MS word (A-4 size format) (.doc/.docx) to the email id under the subject: “Submissions Wisdom Crux Volume 4 Issue 1- By- (Students/ Professors or Ph.D. Scholars/ Partners, Principal Associate, Associate partners, Senior Associate, Associates/ Advocates & Lawyers ”
- The body of the mail shall contain name and designation, email id, contact number, name of the institution (for students, professors & Ph.D. Scholars) or Occupational Office name (for Partners, Principal Associate, Associate partners, Senior Associate, Associates/ Advocates & Lawyers) of the author(s).
- The contributions will be published on the website of Wisdom Crux.
- The submissions must not contain any obscene, defamatory, or discriminatory material. The author(s) will indemnify the journal in case of any infringement.
Important Dates
Applications would be accepted in form of a Rolling Basis, Submissions are open.
Email Address for the Submission of Manuscripts-
Publication Details
The fee is to be paid after acceptance of the Manuscript.
- Rs. 200 for Single Authored manuscript
- Rs. 400 for Co-authored manuscripts (Max. 2, including the author)
Review process of the manuscripts
The manuscript goes through the hierarchy of the editorial board which brings transparency in the process of scrutiny so as to communicate the authors on what stage their manuscript has reached. The journal aims to promote unique content as well as keeping them updated on the various themes of law.
The Editorial Board will promptly acknowledge the receipt of the submissions. The decision on acceptance of the submissions will be informed to the author(s) within 10 days from the date of submissions.
The Editorial Board will scrutinize submissions thoroughly the basis of which will be the scope, content, structure, research, analysis, creativity, the accomplishment of the paper’s purpose, and inclusion of counter-arguments in the submissions.
The submissions will be subject to rejection if found plagiarized and if not suits with above mentioned important aspects.
All communications will take place via email only.
For any queries pertaining to the submission of manuscript, please reach out us at